近日,英国市长及副市长高级代表团访问深圳,旨在探寻商业机遇、深化双边关系并推动英国与中国华南地区的贸易合作。代表团受到中国华南英国商会(British Chamber of Commerce South China)主席马克·柯雷顿(Mark Clayton)先生及英中贸易协会(China-Britain Business Council)代表的热烈欢迎,并与重点行业领袖、政府代表及创新企业展开交流。
· 英国西米德兰兹大区市长理查德·帕克(Richard Parker)
· 伦敦市副市长霍华德·道伯(Howard Dawber)
· 曼彻斯特大区副市长保罗·丹尼特(Paul Dennet)
· 利物浦市副市长迈克·沃顿(Mike Wharton)
· 英国东米德兰兹大区副市长纳丁·皮特菲尔(Nadine Peatfield)
· 英国驻广州总领事孟诗然(Sarah Mann)
· 英国驻广州总领事馆首席商务领事陆岩(Trevor Lewis)
中国华南英国商会主席、C2W集团首席财务官马克·柯雷顿(Mark Clayton)评价此次访问的意义时称:“过去六周内,我接待的英国访华代表团数量已超过过去六年的总和。此次代表团的规模与层级充分表明,英国与华南地区正以开放姿态拥抱合作。我希望英中各方携手合作、增进互信,共同助力中英企业共赢发展。同时,我诚邀所有代表下次到访珠海时参观我们的‘护盾制造’(Shield Works)基地——这是一家在中国运营的世界级知识产权安全型英国工厂,亦是科技企业规模化发展的理想制造合作伙伴。”
除正式会谈与实地考察外,代表团还出席了由英国驻广州总领事馆、中国华南英国商会及英中贸易协会联合主办的欢迎酒会。伦敦发展促进署(London & Partners)亦携15家伦敦科技企业代表参会,进一步促进中英企业间的商业联系。
此次访问充分彰显出英国政界与商界致力于持续强化同中国华南地区商业联系的坚定决心。深圳作为全球首屈一指的创新之城,对于有意开拓中国华南市场的英国企业而言,宛如一座蕴藏着丰富机遇的宝库,能够为其提供极具价值的市场洞察与发展契机 。
中国华南英国商会(British Chamber of Commerce South China)是一家非营利会员组织,作为在华南地区运营的英国企业的代表,致力于通过促进商务网络建设、政府沟通及市场洞察支持英国企业发展,并在推动中英贸易投资中发挥关键作用。
British Mayoral Delegation Visits Shenzhen to Strengthen UK-China Business Ties
Shenzhen, March 17, 2024 – A senior delegation of UK Mayors and Deputy Mayors visited Shenzhen this week to explore business opportunities, strengthen relationships, and promote bilateral trade between the UK and South China. The delegation was welcomed by the Chairman of British Chamber of Commerce in South China (BritCham SC) Mark Clayton and the China-Britain Business Council (CBBC) and engaged with key industry leaders, government representatives, and innovative enterprises.
Believed to be the largest-ever UK civic delegation to China, the delegation included:
· Richard Parker, Mayor of West Midlands
· Howard Dawber, Deputy Mayor of London
· Paul Dennet, Deputy Mayor of Manchester
· Mike Wharton, Deputy Mayor of Liverpool
· Nadine Peatfield, Deputy Mayor of East Midlands
· Sarah Mann, HM Consul-General, British Consulate-General Guangzhou
· Trevor Lewis, Head of Trade & Investment, British Consulate-General Guangzhou
During their visit, the delegation engaged in high-level discussions with leading Chinese companies, including BYD, Honor, Tencent, and Mindray, and toured Yantian Port, one of the busiest container ports in the world. A key highlight of the visit was the official meeting with the Shenzhen Mayor, which focused on deepening trade and investment collaboration between UK regions and South China.
Mark Clayton, Chairman of BritCham South China and CFO of British manufacturing group C2W, commented on the significance of the visit:
“I have seen more UK delegations visit China in the past six weeks than in the last six years. The size and seniority of this delegation demonstrate that both the UK and South China are open for business. I implore everyone to reach across the table, to build relationships, and to work together to help UK and China businesses succeed. I also extend an invitation to all delegates to visit our Shield Works in Zhuhai on their next trip, to see a world-class IP-secure British factory operating in China—the perfect manufacturing partner for tech scaleups.”
In addition to official meetings and site visits, the delegation attended a Welcome Reception hosted by the British Consulate-General in Guangzhou, BritCham SC, and CBBC. London & Partners also brought a delegation of 15 UK technology companies to the reception, fostering new business connections between UK and Chinese enterprises.
The visit underscores the ongoing commitment of UK businesses and government representatives to strengthening commercial ties with South China. With Shenzhen recognized as one of the world’s most innovative cities, the exchange provided valuable insights and opportunities for UK companies looking to expand in the region.
About the British Chamber of Commerce in South China
BritCham South China (BritCham SC) is a not-for-profit membership organization representing British businesses operating in South China. The Chamber works to support UK companies by facilitating business networking, government engagement, and market insights. It plays a key role in promoting trade and investment between the UK and China.